Sunday, April 29, 2012

First trip to Breezy this year!

Last minute trip to Breezy with Andrea & the girls.  Always a good time!  We almost didn't go because Spencer is grounded from tv and video games but the girls so badly wanted him to come that they gave them up for the weekend too.  Not a big sacrafice for any of them though... They all love being outside, regardless of the weather and they are all so creative too. 

We went to the park for awhile and the kids acted silly as usual.  Spencer really enjoyed the baby swing as you will see...  They also looked for golf balls on the walk. I think there were about 20 found!  Leave it to me to tell them I would buy them from them!  $5 later... I was the proud owner of some golf balls. I was glad that so many were Pro V's.  

As always.... a good time was had by ALL.  It was a short weekend, but always nice to get away!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Overdue visit...

Sunday, April 22nd

After church, we stopped to visit with Uncle Dave.  It's been awhile.  Was a really nice visit.  Spencer made a new friend while we were there.  A lizard/dragon named Reggie.

Spencer was a little hesitant to hold him but after he sat on uncle Dave's lap for a bit, he decided to give it a shot.  He really just sat on his lap and barely moved.  But then... To Spencers surprise, he found himself pooped on! 

After our visit, we headed home to get ready for the Maxs' to come over.  Was a great night of baseball and dinner.  Bacon wrapped steak was what Spencer chose for the menu along with some veggies and the good old staple of Mac & Cheese. Yummy! 

As always... the boys had a fun time playing.  And... I need to start taking some pictures of them!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Just another manic Monday...

Monday, April 9th

Why is it that Monday's are always crazy?  We ended our crazy days with a visit to the library and then home for dinner.  As crazy as Mondays are, I love my Monday nights with the man of my life.

Tonight, my little man was, well, for lack of a better word.... Just plain GOOFY!   Every time I turned around, I was at first in shock, which quickly turned to laughing myself to tears!  I can't even explain it... I will let the pictures speak for themselves!

He did an amazing job of taking my crazy Monday and my bit of sadness and reminding me of what I have and how lucky I truly am.  He teaches me new lessons every day.  I have to say... I kinda love that kid! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

A night of bonding....

Monday, April 2nd
Spencer and I are often so busy, dinner ends up being quick and usually something reheated. 
It's always an awesome night when we have a chance to make a good dinner. It's even better when we have the radio on and cooking together.

It was perfect after a stressful Monday at work and having to replace a tire after somehow running over a tire weight. We talked about our days, talked about baseball, guitar lessons and just life in general. How awesome to share moments like this with my amazing 9 year old man. I'm not sure why I'm constantly amazed by what a great little man he is growing into. He truly is an amazing blessing and has really grounded me lately. He is continuing to teach me patience and what is really important.

As we were listening to KTIS, making dinner.... Me cooking up some chicken; Spencer chopping up zuchini and peppers... Spencer says to me, "Mom, what would it be like if God was a girl?"  Wow, wasn't expecting that.  My answer to him... "life would be way better".  Ha!  Just kidding.  I actually told him it wouldn't be any different. 

I love that you have God on your mind. 
I love that you have God in your heart. 
I love that you pray every night.
I love that papa is still on your mind and you pray for him every night.
I love how you are growing into an amazing,
compassionate little man.
I love you.